Cooper County Public Health Services
Here at the Cooper County Public Health Center, we promote healthy living and prevention above all else. To help achieve our goals, we offer the citizens of Cooper County, and beyond, the essential information and services they need to protect themselves against transmittable diseases, complications during pregnancy, malnutrition, and so much more. We invite you to take some time to review our list of services below and get more useful insights into exactly how the Cooper County Health Center can help you:
Child Immunizations
PARENT CONSENT AUTHORIZATION FORMWe provide immunizations through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. To receive immunizations through this program, children must meet one of the following criteria:
- Uninsured or Medicaid ineligible
- American Indian or Alaskan native
- Underinsured (have insurance that does not cover vaccines or that caps coverage for vaccines after the maximum coverage has been reached)
We provide the following vaccinations to children from birth through age 18:
- Covid-19
- Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis (DTaP)
- Tetanus-Diphtheria (Td)
- Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Tdap)
- Haemophilus Influenza Type B (Hib)
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) *HPV vaccine may be given starting at 9 years of age.
- Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR)
- Meningococcal (MCV)
- Polio
- Rotavirus
- Seasonal Influenza (Flu)
- Varicella (Chickenpox)
Click here to see the recommended vaccinations.
Click here to see Missouri School immunization requirements.
Parental or guardian permission is needed for all children under the age of 18 to receive immunizations.
To ensure your child receives the proper immunizations, it is essential that you bring your child's most recent immunization record.
While we prefer that a parent/guardian accompany children to our office for vaccinations, we understand it is not always possible. When this occurs, we will need the parent's/guardian's written consent to allow another adult (18 years or older) to sign the immunization consent. See the button below to print, sign, and send it along with current immunization records, to the vaccination appointment.
As of December 12, 2022, the Cooper County Public Health Center will no longer issue non-medical exemptions. For information on obtaining an exemption, contact the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services at 1-(800) 219-3224.
Adult Immunizations
We provide vaccines for adults (ages 19+) for the following diseases:
- COVID-19
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) *
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
- Meningococcal
- Pneumococcal
- Polio
- Seasonal Influenza (Flu)
- Tetanus-Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap)
- Varicella (Chickenpox)
Click here to see the adult immunization schedule by age.
Vaccinations are available by appointment for uninsured and underinsured individuals. Call (660)882-2626 to make an appointment.
Enroll in V-safe and tell CDC how you, or your dependent, feel after getting a COVID-19 vaccine. It takes just a few minutes to enroll, and then you will receive text messages to complete short, confidential health check-ins. Your participation in v-safe helps CDC monitor the safety of vaccines for everyone. Ready to enroll? Click here.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Travelers' Health website [] offers information on recommended vaccinations and health notices. Contact the Travel Clinic with MU Health Care.
Missouri's immunization schedule is compatible with the current recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). For more information, don't hesitate to contact the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Immunization Assessment and Assurance at 800-219-3224 or visit
Sexual Health/Pregnancy
We work to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STI) through confidential testing and treatment. STIs can cause serious health issues if left untreated. Our staff is here to help you get testing and treatment to help you stay healthy.
We offer tests for the following STIs Testing:
If you have tested positive for any STI, it is important to get treated and to notify your partner(s). Your partner(s) may also be infected and need treatment.
If you need testing for herpes, HPV, bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infections, PAP Smears, or in need of birth control, please visit your healthcare provider, visit Planned Parenthood, or the health department in Columbia.
We do give out free condoms. Pick up at front desk.
Sexually transmitted infection testing services are provided by appointment only.
Pregnancy testing is most accurate if performed approximately six weeks after the last menstrual cycle.
All services provided are confidential. Please call for an appointment at 660-882-2626.
Related Links:
Tuberculosis Testing & Treatment
The Cooper County Public Health Center provides tuberculosis skin testing with the Mantoux PPD method for the following reasons: employment in an institutional health care setting, for school, for volunteer work, contact with a person who has a positive diagnosis of TB, live in a household with a person who has a positive diagnosis of TB, requirement to be tested for TB for employment or licensure. There is a sliding scale fee associated with TB testing.
For questions & concerns please call 660-882-2626.
Related Links:
Animal Bites & Recommendations
Missouri State Law requires the Cooper County Public Health Center to follow-up on animal bites or injuries to humans. If you have received an animal bite/injury you may self-report to our office. If you receive care from a local medical provider they must report the injury by law. One of our staff members will contact you with information and recommendations should your animal need to be quarantined.
For questions & concerns please call 660-882-2626.
Related Links:
Blood Pressure/Sugar
The Cooper County Public Health Center provides blood sugar and blood pressure screenings by appointment. This screening should not be considered a diagnosis or a replacement for medical care supervised by your private medical provider.
For questions & concerns please call 660-882-2626.
Lead (Blood) Testing
Cooper County has been identified by the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), as one of the geographic areas in the state considered to be at high risk for lead poisoning. The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) estimates that Cooper County had 320 Medicaid eligible children that were required, by law, to be tested for lead. In order to help increase our testing rates, the Cooper County Public Health Center will offer routine capillary lead testing by appointment. The main purpose of a childhood lead-screening program has been to identify asymptomatic lead-poisoned children. Since children have more hand-to-mouth activity and their systems absorb more lead than adults, they are at a higher risk for lead exposure.
For questions & concerns please call 660-882-2626.
Related Links: