Total New Cases     65

At the end of the month a total for the month will be issued.

October 2021- Week 1 & 2

10/01/2021 – 10/15/2021 3:00pm

Total New Cases     65

Cooper County COVID-19 Cases by School Geographical Boundaries

Case count includes all individuals living within the geographical boundaries of a school district. These cases may or may not be school age children or employees.

Blackwater School District 2 cases

Boonville School District 43 cases

Bunceton School District 2 cases

Pilot Grove School District 9 cases

Prairie Home School District 2 cases

Otterville School District 4 cases

Out of County School District 3 cases

Number of Children’s Cases by Month year to date Ages <=20

January 2021 January 2021 Child positive cases 38

February 2021 Child positive cases 04

March 2021 Child positive cases 03

April 2021 Child positive cases 01

May 2021 Child positive cases 02

June 2021 Child positive cases 01 ~ Children were 3% of total positive cases for June

July 2021 Child positive cases 23 ~ Children were 13% of the total positive cases for July

August 2021 Child positive cases 68 ~ Children were 22% of the total positive covid cases for August

September Child positive cases 58

October 2021 1st – 15th   21 cases

     October looks to be slightly lower than the positive case numbers in September thus far. It is too soon for people to say we are over the hill on the Delta variant. October positive case numbers are 65 as of today.

     We must remain vigilant with masks, distancing, and handwashing. Compliance with quarantine remains especially important. When I personally go out in public, I often find the employees of the establishment and myself are the only people wearing masks. Concessions have been made by officials (on a state and federal level) to ease the demands of the public and the economy. What HAS NOT CHANGED is the disease incubation period and the common denominator of days after exposure when symptoms occur. Testing to promote early detection and to keep individuals in jobs or school etc. comes with more demands for resources. Resources are funds for testing supplies, medical waste, licensed healthcare staff to perform services on top of the current disease and vaccination caseloads. There is no covid money left at our office and public health is forced once again to compete for funds from other agencies. Healthcare fatigue, lack of resiliency and burnout is a struggle in Cooper County. Not only for our office but also school officials and primary care services. The pressure of living in a dual community of believers and non-believers is extracting a heavy toll.

     I remained stunned when people say, “oh I bet things are better and slowed down right”? Must be getting rest? Nope, my staff and I are struggling under heavy pressure to vaccinate, test and control case numbers. This does not account for the routine work load we had prior to pandemic. We all wish for our lives to return to normal with school, jobs, fun, sports, and times with our loved ones. Resistance only extends our time in the pandemic. We are over 715,000 deaths and the number of cases of individuals who have long haul covid is in the millions. How many of those with permanent damage from covid are unable to work or work at the physical level they could pre-covid? How many seniors who have died are no longer in the work force? How many parents cannot work because their daycare closed, or their children are sent home for quarantine? Since March of 2020 we have yet as a county, state and nation completed a full two weeks of quarantine much less a of month of quarantine; to let the disease die away for want of a new human host. Economics and personal rights have been made a priority over fundamental public health protections.

     It is never too late to start making a difference in your life and the lives of everyone in Cooper County.


Melanie Hutton RN, MSN Administrator


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