11/04/21 by Cooper County Public Health Center
Swearing in Ceremony- In person at the Health Center
CCPHC Board Swearing In Ceremony & Regular Board Meeting
17040 Klinton Dr. Boonville, MO
April 13, 2021 Tuesday- 6:00pm
Notice posted April 1, 2021 -9:50 am
Updated April 9, 2021 10:45am
Swearing in Ceremony- In person at the Health Center
Space is limited due to pandemic- Zoom is available for a safe option to attend the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 1729 6553
Passcode: 740800
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+13126266799,,81717296553#,,,,*740800# US (Chicago)
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6:00pm Disband out going board-Swearing In ceremony
1. Recognition of guests and visitors
2. Swearing in of new board members
3. Reorganize board – election of officers
4. Review date and time of monthly meeting
5. Ethics- conflict of interest discussion
6:45pm Adjourn Meeting
Next regular meeting of the Board will be Tuesday May 4th, 2021.