30/08/22 by Melanie Hutton RN,MSN Administrator
September 2022-Meeting Public Notice
Date: September 13, 2022
Time: 5:30pm
Location: 17040 Klinton Dr. Boonville
Tentative agenda- Open meeting will be offered via Zoom. See Information below.
5:30 Open meeting of the board. Recognition of Guests
5:31pm Open Session with vote to move into closed session per 610.021
1. Motion to move into closed session; Pursuant to section 610.021 for vote to close meeting Sections 1,5,8,14. Voice vote
2. Approve closed minutes
3. Adjourn closed meeting. Voice vote
6:15pm Call to order routine open meeting. Recognition of guests
1. Approve August minutes.
2. Approve August financial reports.
3. Approve August legal expenses.
6:30 pm Old Business
1. Monthly meeting dates October 4, 2022, and November 2nd ( Election Day ) do we want to move to November 8, 2022?
2. Review Board Governance training topics for future meetings to include public health strategic planning and program update schedules. Environmental Public Health Inspections , Women Infants and Children (WIC), Immunizations, Participation Agreement for State Investment in Local Public Health Services; including Children’s Health Insurance Program (Core), Maternal Child Health Services (MCH), Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP), Adult Imms Contract- ELC contract, Covid Update
3. Equipment and repair-parking lot- ARPA funds thru the Cooper Co. Commission
4. Board By laws review/update
6:50 pm New Business
5. Public Health Mission Statement to be reviewed
6. HRSA public health nursing student loan forgiveness on site 2-3 year work plan for consideration of the Board. Melanie Hutton has applied as a potential candidate. Notification of acceptance or denial will on or around September 15, 2022.
7:00 pm Public Comments
7:30 pm Meeting adjourned
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 857 1387 9659 Passcode: 914078
Notice Posted 08/30/22 @ 5:30pm