01/04/21 by CCPHC
CCPHC Board Meeting Notice
CCPHC Board Meeting
17040 Klinton Dr. Boonville, MO
April 5th , 2021 Monday- 5:30pm
Notice posted April 1st, 2021 -9:05am
Topic: Regular Bd Mtg- April 5th
Time: Apr 5, 2021 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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5:30pm Call to Order Regular Board Meeting- Open to public
1. Recognition of guests and visitors.
2. Approve March minutes.
3. Approve March financial reports.
4. Approve legal expenses.
5:40pm Old Business
1. Monthly meeting dates Swearing in April 13th, 2021- May 4th, 2021
2. Program updates (Environmental Public Health Inspections (EPHS), Women Infants and Children (WIC), Immunizations, Participation Agreement for State Investment in Local Public Health Services; including Children’s Health Insurance Program (Core), Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), Maternal Child Health Services (MCH), Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP)
3. Covid update-funding, testing and vaccination.
4. Equipment and repair-security system
5:50pm Public Comments
6:00pm New Business
1. TBD