18/05/20 by Candace Sorrell
Active case Q &A
Active case Q &A
The Cooper County Public Health Center has received several inquiries about reporting active case numbers in relationship to Covid-19.
Historically, communicable disease investigations and response do not report the duration of active disease cases regardless of the disease. Individual victims of any disease may heal or recover from that disease based upon their individual health status and immune system. Some diseases are a lengthy recovery such as tuberculosis (4 -12 months). During investigation and follow-up, the recovery information is usually obtained and reported through the interview and monitoring process. It is not particularly helpful to public health officials to report that information and requires extra time, staffing and data storage.
The data obtained from the case follow-up which is known as "closing a case" is tabulated and helps provide research for recommendations such as the length of isolation and quarantine. In the case of Covid-19 it is considered a novel virus (new) and there is much to be learned sadly through the severe illnesses and deaths of covid-19 victims. That data is currently being collected, studied and changing.
The Cooper County Public Health Center has reported recoveries at the request of our citizens. It is voluntary from county to county within the State of Missouri unless it becomes law.
One of the blessings of living in a free country such as America our medical research and learning institutions are quick to share findings and observations to help improve care and treatment for covid-19. These institutions are reaching out to each other and peers around the world. We learn together as a world with new diseases. Support and partnership with the World Health Organization is critical right now and always. A worldwide pandemic is not the time to be self-isolating as a country.